About leather _ 革について


Under our concept of sustainable production, we use 100% Japan made and chrome-free tanned cow leather for our products (Portierra®︎). The chrome-free leather by Portierra®︎ is certified by OEKO-TEX®︎ STANDARD 100, which is one of the world’s well-known certification for harmless textiles.*1 

STANDARD 100 certification proves that those textiles are tested for over 350 harmful substances, and guarantees the world’s highest level of product and consumer safety. 

The chrome-free tanned leather keeps soft and smooth texture and durability, since its fibers are not damaged by chemicals in tanning process. We remain flaws and grains on its surface so that you will enjoy unique texture of genuine cow leather. We set a high value on SDGs’ philosophy in our whole production process.

* 1 Although the leather we use for our products is not certified one by OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100, we use the leather processed in exactly the same way. We use the genuine human- and eco-friendly leather. 

<Original color>

The chrome-free tanned leather is originally white, so we basically use its color as it is. We, however, have other original colors that we ask dyer to make unique one. 




(※1 )製品に使われる革は認証対象の革ではなく、「同じ製法の革」となります。


